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Nutrition and Food Science: Dietetics


Official Name of Program

Nutrition and Food Science: Dietetics

Plan Code


Department(s) Sponsoring Program



Degree Designation

BS - Bachelor of Science



NYSED Program Code

85035 - NUTRFS-BS

CIP Code


The competitive 54-credit Nutrition and Food Science bachelor of science major (NFS-BS) begun junior or senior year is a diverse science-based program where students learn about food and its effect on health.  It offers a comprehensive study of the fundamental principles of nutrition, food science and safety, food service management and community nutrition education. This is accomplished through the application of a variety of sciences. Students who like physical and biological sciences, are interested in good health, enjoy working with people, and are concerned about the nutritional well-being of people and communities will find interesting and challenging career opportunities within health care fields or in the food industry. The NFS major at Hunter develops these interests and prepares students for challenging opportunities after graduation. 

This major is designed for students who plan to enter the workforce directly out of college. The BS in NFS may be a terminal degree, or NFS graduates may elect to continue on for additional education. Students in the NFS major will take courses in nutrition, food science, food service management, research methods, community nutrition education, and epidemiology. 

Along with providing students with a good preparation in nutrition, this major is also a good undergraduate preparation for those who might want to go into allied health fields, social work, or other human service professions.  The elective courses also allows these undergraduate students who may wish to pursue medicine, nursing, physical therapy or other health careers to take additional science and other pre-requisite coursework for those programs. 
