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School of Education Academic Offices

The Office of Academic and Student Affairs (OASA)

The Office of Academic and Student Affairs (OASA) provides administrative services to students in the School of Education. The primary areas of service provided include: advisement on policies; student events and workshops, assistance with registration; graduation audit; New York State certification; and various other student services such as academic forms.

Location: 10th Floor - West Building Email:

The Office of Clinical Experiences (OCE)

The School of Education’s Office of Clinical Experiences (OCE) is responsible for ensuring the quality of student experience in their clinical placements across programs – as these experiences are critically important to students’ development as teachers, counselors, and school leaders.  To that end, the faculty and staff work collaboratively to support students in the development as professionals by coordinating partnerships with schools and other clinical placement sites, identifying and training cooperating teachers for the important work of mentoring new teachers, and working with faculty and field supervisors to ensure alignment of placements to the curriculum and academic work of teacher, counselor, and leadership candidates. Specific student teaching schedules, (weekly and daily) will be determined by the partner site where students are ultimately placed. The expectation is for teacher candidates to honor each partner’s planned schedule.

Location: 10th Floor - West Building Email:

Frankfort Center for Learning and Scholarly Technologies

The Frankfort Center for Learning and Scholarly Technologies advances the needs of students, faculty and staff at the School of Education by supporting the integration and exploration of technology across the curriculum and in research. The Frankfort Center has an array of workshops and support resources for students, faculty, and staff. Online, one-on-one, or small group consultations are also available. More information about these services can be found on the School of Education's Frankfort Center for Learning & Scholarly Technologies page at

Location: E613 (6th floor of the main library in the Bobbie and Lew Frankfort Education Library area)


Career, Professional and Partnership Development (CPPD)

The School of Education provides a comprehensive student career preparation program. We prepare teachers, leaders, counselors and other professional candidates for the job market through workshops, and orientations on professional topics such as resume writing, interviewing strategies, and demonstration lessons. We also provide additional support to teacher candidates for all aspects of NYS certification, including NYS mandated workshops, specialized training, and some required NYS certification testing. More information about these services can be found on the Career, Professional and Partnership Development (CPPD) page at

Location: 10th Floor West
