Other Policies
Withdrawal from Part of Program
The Board of Trustees has ruled that students have until the end of the third week of classes (or during the summer session, the end of the first week of classes) to drop a course without penalty. This period coincides with the refund period. The course will not appear on the student’s record. A student may withdraw officially, with a grade of “W,” between the end of the third week of classes and the first day of the tenth week of classes. (During the summer session a student may withdraw officially between the second week of classes and the first day of the fifth week of classes.) To do so, a student should obtain a withdrawal form from the OASIS, Room 217 HN. After the deadline, official withdrawals will be considered for approval by the Office of Advising. Approval will be granted only when it is clear that the student has good and sufficient reason for withdrawing. Students should be aware that withdrawal from classes may have an impact on their financial aid. A student should make an appointment with an adviser in the Office of Advising, Room 1119 East Building, before proceeding with the withdrawal process. The problem often has other solutions.
Withdrawal from College
Students who become ill or who experience personal difficulties or a lack of interest that prevents their concentrating on college work, are encouraged to withdraw completely from college. Failure under such conditions can only make an eventual return to college more difficult. Deadlines for such withdrawals are the same as for withdrawals from part of the program (see above).
Such students should make an appointment to see a counselor in the Office of Advising, Room 1119 East Building. Students must return books to the library and all college equipment to the department to which it belongs. Students who are unable to return to Hunter to withdraw in person should write or have someone else write to the Office of Advising. The letter should contain (1) the name under which the student is registered at Hunter; (2) the student’s emplID; (3) the return address and telephone number; (4) the reason for withdrawal, with appropriate documentation (medical, psychological or employee) and the last date of attendance; and (5) a copy of the Bursar’s receipt.
Students who stop attending without following the above procedures are considered to have withdrawn unofficially and will receive WUs, which are equivalent to Fs in computing the GPA.
Students whose GPA at the time of withdrawal is below the minimum required for continued matriculation shall be considered as having been dropped for poor scholarship. Students who have withdrawn from the college, officially or unofficially, must apply for readmission in the Office of Admissions, Room 203 HN, at least three months prior to the semester in which they wish to re-enter.
Student Appeals- Rules and Regulations
Appeals - Rules and Regulations
Please note that all appeals for exceptions and/or substitutions to the General Education Requirements, Hunter Core Requirements and Distribution Requirements will now be heard in the Hunter College Senate, Room 1018 East building. Please access the following link to file an online appeal application http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/senate/gerappeals
All appeals for dean’s list, change of administrative grades (WU, WN, FIN) to retroactive withdrawals and fulfillment of the foreign language requirement with four years of high school language study remain in the Office of Advising, room 1119 east building.
Appeals- General Education Requirements
Students seeking to appeal for substitutions to or exemptions from any general education requirement must begin by filing an appeal with the General Education Requirements Appeals Committee of the Hunter College Senate. Students who follow the Hunter Core (adopted fall 2013) may file appeals regarding the CUNY Common Core or the Hunter Focus (Foreign Language, Concentrated Study, or Pluralism and Diversity). Students who follow the General Education Requirement or Distribution Requirement may also appeal to this committee and should see this document http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/senate/repository/files/documents/college-wide-grade-appeals-procedures-3-25-15.pdf. Appeals must be filed in accordance with the following procedures:
1. The student must submit a complete application for appeal: http://geappeal.hunter.cuny.edu. Incomplete applications will be returned to the student without consideration by the appeals committee. This action will not be regarded as a denial of the appeal. The appeals committee may request additional documentation in support of an appeal. Students must respond to such requests within 30 days or reapply with a complete application.
2. The student must present clear evidence that deviation from the prescribed program in the catalog is necessary and reasonable, and that any proposed substitutions adequately meet the academic objectives of the requirement.
3. Appeals for experimental courses completed at Hunter College but not yet approved by the Undergraduate Course of Study Committee as fulfilling a general education requirement must be supported with a class action letter from the department or program that offered the course. Such appeals will be considered only for Pluralism and Diversity or for the Hunter Focus—not for the CUNY Common Core.
4. The student must present clear evidence that a course transferred from another college or university fulfills the academic objectives of the requirement. Petitions for satisfaction of CUNY Common Core Requirements must include indication of which learning outcomes were met in the course and how they were met.
5. The appeals committee will respond to appeals requests on or about the 15th and the 30th of each month during the spring and fall semesters when Hunter College classes are in session. The committee does not review appeals for currently enrolled students between June 1 and September 1 of the same year.
Special Appeals
For other appeals for deviations or exemptions from other academic requirements or policies, students should confer with The Office of Advising. Special appeals include appeals to follow the General Education Requirement (GER), effective Fall 2001-Spring 2013, and the Distribution Requirement, effective Fall 1986-Spring 2001, rather than the Hunter Core.
Notice! There are no appeals for Writing Intensive—’W’ designated—courses. All ‘W’ courses must be completed at Hunter College. Note that not all sections of a course are necessarily offered with significant writing every semester. The ‘W’ designated courses (or specific sections thereof) for a particular semester are listed in the Schedule of Classes each semester. To satisfy a writing requirement, a particular section must be designated as ‘W’.
When a student considers a final course grade unsatisfactory, the student should first confer with the instructor regarding the accuracy of the grade received. This conference should be held within the first three weeks of the semester following receipt of the grade. At this time, errors may be corrected. If the grade is not an error, the student and instructor must together review all class material pertinent to the grade. If the student is not satisfied or if the instructor does not confer with the student within the first three weeks of the semester, the student should promptly contact the department chair by submitting a written appeal, consisting of a statement giving the factual reasons and basis for the complaint. The student has the right to request in writing that the chair appoint a student as a member of the department/school Grade Appeals Committee. This appeal at the department/school level must be submitted within the first five weeks of the semester following receipt of the grade, in accordance with the “College-wide Grade Appeals Procedures” adopted by the Senate in fall 1985. Copies of this procedure may be obtained in the Senate Office, the Office of Advising or academic departmental offices. Students appealing grades to the School of Nursing, the School of Urban Public Health or the School of Health Professions should direct their appeal to the dean of the School of Nursing. Students appealing grades to the School of Social Work should direct the appeal to the dean of the school, who shall carry out the responsibilities of the department chair.
Policy on Remediation
Beginning January 2000, students enrolling at Hunter College must prove their proficiency in reading, writing and mathematics through SAT scores, Regents scores or assessment tests prior to registration. Remedial courses are no longer offered by the college. ESL and non-proficient SEEK students are exempt from this policy, but must adhere to the following guidelines (see Admissions for information about ESL and SEEK designations): SEEK students must enroll in the appropriate basic skills workshop(s) prior to enrolling in their first semester at Hunter. SEEK students who do not gain proficiency in the pre-first semester workshops must take additional basic skills workshops during the semester. SEEK students must demonstrate proficiency within one year of enrollment at Hunter. SEEK students needing basic skills coursework must consult with the director of the SEEK Program for course access and availability. ESL students are placed in an appropriate developmental reading and/or writing course during their first semester and may continue taking developmental courses in their second semester, if needed. ESL students must demonstrate proficiency by the end of their fourth consecutive semester at Hunter. ESL students should see the ESL adviser in the English Department, Room 1212 Hunter West, for details about basic skills proficiency requirements.