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The Department of Romance Languages at Hunter College offers a major in Comparative Literature.

What can I do with my degree in Comparative Literature?

The study of comparative literature prepares students for careers in teaching, interpreting, and translating, as well as those professions that recognize the importance of a broad humanistic education, including law and medicine.


Students are eligible for departmental honors if their GPA in the major is no less than 3.5. The student must also take at least 3 credits (but no more than 6 credits) in honors courses offered by the program and approved by the adviser. The offerings of the Comparative Literature Program are determined by the needs of students in the program and the faculty available. For specific information, consult the coordinator.

Administration and Faculty


Paolo Fasoli
1318 West
(212) 772-5129

Program Office:

Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
1341 West
(212) 772-5306