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Degree Maps


Degree maps are planning tools that provide a recommended sequence of courses, designed to assist students in graduating within four years.  There are numerous benefits to graduating in this timeframe, including significant cost savings on tuition and the potential for earlier entry into the workforce, which can lead to increased lifetime earnings.

These maps are tailored to reflect the academic year requirements for 2024-2025.  While maps from previous years are not archived, they may be available upon request from a departmental academic program advisor.

Transfer students entering Hunter College may find these maps partially useful, as they have completed various courses prior to matriculation.  The CUNY Transfer Explorer Tool (TREX) offers extensive resources, including personalized tools for CUNY community college students and assistance in Mapping Transfer Credits to CUNY Major Requirements.


Despite our efforts to ensure accuracy, the details of courses and programs are subject to change.  Therefore, a degree map should not be considered a contract or a promise of course availability. For official requirements, please refer to the Programs Section of the Undergraduate Catalog.  Additionally, academic advisors are available to assist with course selection and planning for future semesters through Navigate Student.


Degree Map

Africana, Puerto Rican and Latino Studies

Africana & Puerto Rican Lat BA (AFPRL-BA)


Anthropology BA (ANTH-BA)

Art & Art History

Art History 30cr BA (ARTH30-BA)

Art & Art History

Fine Arts Studio BFA (FINART-BFA)*

Art & Art History

Studio Art 24cr BA (ARTST24-BA)

Art & Art History

Studio Art 42cr BA (ARTSD42-BA)

Biological Sciences

Bio Sci I BA [Bio Sci I-Bioinformatcs](BIO1-BA)(BIO1BIOINF)

Biological Sciences

Bio Sci I BA [Bio Sci I-Biophysics](BIO1-BA)(BIO1BIOPHY)

Biological Sciences

Bio Sci I BA [Bio Sci I-NeuroBio](BIO1-BA)(BIO1BEHNEU)

Biological Sciences

Bio Sci I BA [General](BIO1-BA)(BIOLSCI1)


Chem I BA (CHEM1-BA)


Chem II BA [Chem II Opt 1](CHEM2-BA)(CHEM2OPT1)


Chem II BA [Chem II Opt2 Biochem](CHEM2-BA)(CHE2BIOCHE)


Chem II BA [Chem II Opt3 Bioinfrmtcs](CHEM2-BA)(CHE2BIOINF)

Classical and Oriental Studies


Classical and Oriental Studies

Archaeology (Interdept) BA (ARCH-BA)*

Classical and Oriental Studies

Chinese Lang & Lit BA [Chinese Lang and Literature](CHINLIT-BA)(CHINLIT)

Classical and Oriental Studies

Classical Archaeology BA (CARCH-BA)

Classical and Oriental Studies

Classical Stds BA (CLASSCL-BA)

Classical and Oriental Studies


Classical and Oriental Studies

Hebrew BA (HEBR-BA)

Classical and Oriental Studies

Japanese Language & Culture BA (JPNLC-BA)*

Classical and Oriental Studies

Latin & Greek BA (LATGRK-BA)

Classical and Oriental Studies


Classical and Oriental Studies

Russian BA [Russian Lang & Culture](RUSSIAN-BA)(RUSSLNCLT)

Classical and Oriental Studies

Russian BA [Russian Lang sequ.](RUSSIAN-BA)(RUSSLNG)

Classical and Oriental Studies

Russian BA [Russian RECE](RUSSIAN-BA)(RECE)

Classical and Oriental Studies

Russian BA [Russian Translation](RUSSIAN-BA)(RUSSTRNS)

Computer Science

Computer Science BA [Computer Science Bioinfrmtcs](COMPSCI-BA)(COMSCBIOIN)

Computer Science

Computer Science BA [Computer Science](COMPSCI-BA)(COMPSCI)




Accounting BS (ACCT-BS)


Economics BA (ECON-BA)


English BA [Creative Writing](ENGL-BA)(ENGCRWR)


English BA [Linguistics and Rhetoric](ENGL-BA)(ENGLNRHET)


English Lang Arts BA (ELA-BA)


English Literature BA (ENGLLIT-BA)

Film and Media Studies

Film BA [Film Analysis and Criticism](FILM-BA)(FILMANCRI)*

Film and Media Studies

Media Studies BA [Documentary & TV Production](MEDIA-BA)(DOCTVPROD)

Film and Media Studies

Media Studies BA [Emerging Media](MEDIA-BA)(EMERGMEDIA)

Film and Media Studies

Media Studies BA [Journalism](MEDIA-BA)(JOURNALSM)

Film and Media Studies

Media Studies BA [Media Analysis & Criticism](MEDIA-BA)(MEDIANCRIT)

Film and Media Studies

Media Studies BA [Media Studies](MEDIA-BA)(MEDIAST)

Geography and Environmental Science

Environmental Stds BA [Environmental Studies](ENVSTD-BA)(ENVSTDX)

Geography and Environmental Science

Geography BA [Geography](GEOG-BA)(GEOG)


German Lang & Lit BA (GERMN-BA)


History BA (HIST-BA)

Mathematics and Statistics

Math BA [Math](MATH-BA)(MATH)

Mathematics and Statistics

Math BA [Quant Bio Bioinfrmtcs](MATH-BA)(MATQBBI)

Mathematics and Statistics

Statistics BA [Statistics](STATS-BA)(STATS)

Medical Laboratory Sciences

Medical Lab Sci Biomedical BS (MEDLABB-BS)

Medical Laboratory Sciences

Medical Lab Sci Clinical BS (MEDLABC-BS)


Music 25cr BA (MUSIC25-BA)


Music 42cr BA (MUSIC42-BA)


Music 60cr BMUS (MUSIC60-BM)*

Nutrition and Food Science

Nutr & Food Sci BS (NUTRFS-BS)

Nutrition and Food Science

Nutrition and Wellness (NW-BS)*


Philosophy BA [Philosophy, Politics & Scty](PHILOS-BA)(PHILOSPPS)


Philosophy BA [Philosophy](PHILOS-BA)(PHILOSOPHY)

Physics and Astronomy

Physics BA [Physics Opt2 Engineering Phys](PHYS-BA)(PHYSENGINR)

Physics and Astronomy

Physics BA [Physics Professional Stds](PHYS-BA)(PHYSPROFS)*

Political Science

Political Science BA (POLSCI-BA)


Psychology BA [Psychology](PSYCH-BA)(PSYCH)


Religion BA (RELGN-BA)

Romance Languages

Comparative Lit BA (COMPLIT-BA)

Romance Languages

French BA [French-Lang & Civilization](FREN-BA)(FRENLC)

Romance Languages

French BA [French-Literature](FREN-BA)(FRENLIT)

Romance Languages

Italian BA [Italian Lang & Civilization](ITAL-BA)(ITALLNGCV)

Romance Languages

Italian BA [Italian Lit](ITAL-BA)(ITALLIT)

Romance Languages

Romance Langs BA (ROMLANG-BA)

Romance Languages

Spanish BA [Span-Engl/Engl Span Tran & Int](SPAN-BA)(SPENGTRNSL)

Romance Languages

Spanish BA [Spanish-Lit](SPAN-BA)(SPANLIT)

School of Arts & Sciences

Human Biology BA (HMBIOL-BA)

School of Arts & Sciences

Jewish Stds BA (JEWST-BA)

School of Arts & Sciences

Latin Am & Caribbean Stds BA (LATCARB-BA)*

School of Education

Childhood Ed 1-6 Quest BA (CHILDED-BA)

School of Education

Early Child Edu B-2 BA (ECHEDB2-BA)

School of Nursing

Nursing Accel Gen Pathway BS (NURSACL-BS)

School of Nursing

Nursing Generic Pathway BS (NURSGP-BS)

Social Work

Social Work BSW (SW-BSW)


Sociology BA (SOC-BA)


Theatre BA [Theatre](THEATR-BA)(THEATR)

Urban Policy and Planning

Urban Stds BA (URBST-BA)

Urban Public Health

Public Health BS (COMHE-BS)*

Women and Gender Studies

Women & Gender Stds BA (WGS-BA)

 *Coming Soon