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Transfer Credit Policy

How Credits Transfer

In general, credits earned by taking college-level courses from other regionally accredited colleges and universities will transfer, provided that the courses are similar in scope and content to those offered for credit at Hunter College. A maximum of 70 credits can be transferred from Associate Degree granting institutions and 90 credits from Baccalaureate granting institutions.

Students may use the T-REX tool below to find course equivalencies at Hunter.

 Coursework Not Accepted

Below are examples of coursework Hunter does not accept for credit:

  • ESL/Remedial/Developmental courses

  • Freshmen orientation/experience courses

  • Firemen/police studies

  • EMT training

  • Secretarial/office technology courses

  • Hospitality management

  • Pharmacological

  • Non-CUNY nursing courses (CUNY nursing courses are transferable for transfer students from CUNY community colleges who have earned an AA or AS degree and have also been accepted in the Nursing Program)

  • Medical professional training

  • Non-Transferable CUNY Courses

Transferring Grades

Grades from previous college credits do not transfer; the student’s Grade Point Average (GPA) at Hunter is calculated solely on the basis of work taken at Hunter College.

AP, IB, CLEP, High School Courses

Advanced Placement (AP)

International Baccalaureate (IB)

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

College Coursework Taken in High School

Hunter Credit Requirements

Regardless of your transcripts credit evaluation and how many credits transfer into Hunter, all students must satisfy these requirements to receive a Hunter College degree:

  • Complete at least 30 credits in residence at Hunter College

  • Complete one-half the credits in their major and half in their minor or half the credits in an interdisciplinary program

Grades from previous college credits do not transfer; the student’s grade point average at Hunter is calculated solely on the basis of work taken at Hunter College.

CUNY Community College Students

Students with an AA, AS or AAS degree from a CUNY college should be awarded 60 transfer credits. Students with an AA or AS degree from a CUNY community college will be deemed to have completed CUNY Pathways Common Core requirements. Credits will be granted for courses with a grade “D” or better. There is a 70 credit maximum on the number of credits that may be transferred. Find Course Equivalencies at Hunter using the Transfer Explorer (T-REX) Tool.

Explore Equivalent Courses with T-REX

SUNY Community College Students

Effective fall 2018 and in accordance with the University Provost Memorandum, SUNY transfer students who have completed a bachelor’s, AA or AS degree or the entire 30-credit General Education Requirements (GER) from SUNY will be deemed to have completed CUNY Pathways Common Core requirement. SUNY transfer students who completed a portion of the 30-credit GER requirement will have the completed GER credits applied to the Pathways areas as appropriate.  Credits will be granted for courses with a grade “C” or better. There is a 70 credit maximum on the number of credits that may be transferred.

Students may use the resources below to find course equivalencies at Hunter.

Admission and Transfer Credits of Hunter College Nondegree Students

Nondegree students who are attending Hunter College now or have done so in the past, must meet normal admission and transfer criteria, that is, an overall cumulative GPA of 2.5 in all previous coursework (including nondegree status courses at Hunter). They must also show a minimum GPA of 2.0 in their Hunter coursework for admittance as degree students. Once students are admitted as degree students, the nondegree Hunter credits will be counted as credits leading to a degree and courses from all previous colleges will be considered for transfer.

 Transferring Graduate Coursework

Graduate courses taken as part of a graduate program may not be transferred as undergraduate courses or counted towards an undergraduate degree program. Decisions in these matters can be appealed by contacting the appropriate academic department or program.

Transfer of Military Credits

Hunter College may award up to fifteen (15) college credits, based on review of students’ military transcripts. The exact number of credits will be determined by a committee appointed by the Hunter College Senate, taking into account credit recommendations from the American Council on Education (ACE). All credits will be awarded as general elective credits. Students may apply to departments or programs to obtain specific course equivalencies.