Degree Requirements: Pluralism and Diversity
For all students admitted in and subsequent to Fall 2024
Category 1: Migration, Diaspora, and Globalization
Understanding various political, economic, and/or cultural differences across the globe and how movements create, shift, and/or secure contested boundaries, borders, and identities.
After completing a course in the category, students will be able to
• Explain how and why forms of migrancy, and diaspora, and/or borders have transformed over time, impacting people and resources in a global context.
• Assess the impact of globalization imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, and/or borders on the dispersal of ethnic, racial, gendered, “stateless,” linguistic, and/or religious groups over time in historical, social, cultural, economic, and/or political context.
• Demonstrate intercultural competence as part of constructive discourse.
Courses Fulfilling This Requirement
ENGL 32601
POLSC 11500
POLSC 27500
AFPRL 32200
ANTHC 32200
WGSL 29300
WGSL 29001
CLA 20100
GEOG 24100
REL 32100
HEBR 22400
HEBR 21100
HEBR 21500
HEBR 22100
JS 21500
ECO 34000
ECO 33100
ECO 33000
ARB 15000
RUSS 25614
POL 26052
Category 2: Residency, Citizenship, and Human Rights
Understanding how rights are gained or lost via policies, legislation, social customs, and/or social, political, and/or cultural movements. After completing a course in the category, students will be able to:
• Explain the historical, social, cultural, economic, and/or political context for how rights and responsibilities are accorded to citizens, citizens-in-the making, the undocumented, and/or marginalized populations.
• Identify how human rights abuses have contributed to the educational, cultural, social, economic, and/or political disenfranchisement of marginalized populations.
• Evaluate how forms of systemic violence and/or oppression related to class, gender, poverty, race, language, and/or sexuality intersect with residency status, citizenship, and human rights.
Courses Fulfilling This Requirement
AFPRL 10000
ANTHC 22500
ANTHC 31300
ASIAN 21000
ENGL 30700
POLSC 25700
POLSC 37400
POLSC 20000
POLSC 21900
POLSC 34100
POLSC 33400
POLSC 11500
POLSC 22100
ANTHC 31300
CLA 20300
PSYCH 38402
PSYCH 38501
REL 20900
SOC 32000
HIST 25015
SPED 30800
HEBR 28400
PHILO 22600
ASIAN 21000
MUSHL 22100
Category 3: Intersectionality and Social Justice
Understanding the social constructions of race, class, gender, sexuality, language, and dis/abilities through concepts of justice, fairness, and equity.
After completing a course in the category, students will be able to
• Demonstrate an understanding of intersectionality among race, class, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, language, dis/abilities, and/or other critical variables.
• Identify the ways that social, economic, cultural, and/or political power and privilege, and/or discrimination play out across a range of human experiences.
• Explain how encounters and engagements with power and privilege perpetuate and/or combat systemic oppression and inequality.
Courses Fulfilling This Requirement
AFPRL 29086
AFPRL 18100
ANTHC 31200
ANTHC 31300
ANTHC 32200
ANTHC 33100
ANTHC 34500
ANTHC 40161
PSYCH 36200
PSYCH 36400
POLSC 30900
POLSC 28000
FILM 21502
FILM 21501
FILM 21452
POLSC 21900
POLSC 21800
POLSC 30466
ANTHC 30100
ANTHC 31200
ANTHC 31300
ANTHC 32200
ANTHC 33100
ANTHC 34500
HIST 31700
WGS 10000
WGS 20100
MEDIA 18000
CLA 10100
FILM 222.53/MEDIA 298.53
MEDIA 27100
ACCP 47600
GEOG 35700
GEOG 24100
URBS 10100
PSYCH 23500
EDUC 26000
FILM 22700/MEDIA 22700
REL 20800
PHILO 25800
ECO 34500
SOC 20100
SOC 21700
Category 4: Knowledge Construction, Environments, and Technologies
Understanding how power and knowledge are produced in society and how change/innovation can accelerate and alter established epistemological frameworks.
After completing a course in the category, the student will be able to
• Demonstrate an understanding of how the production of knowledge (epistemologies) is mediated by ecological, cultural, technological, institutional, historical, economic, and/or socio-political environments.
• Identify the concepts, arguments, theories, and/or methodologies in one or more disciplines that explore how knowledge and power are produced, maintained, and/or altered.
• Explain how these concepts, arguments, theories and/or methodologies impact equity and justice.
Courses Fulfilling This Requirement
ANTHC 34500
ANTHC 40161
ENGL 30600
ENGL 37151
ENGL 37200
POLSC 30900
POLSC 21500
ANTHC 40161
MUSHL 10100
REL 11100
REL 27000
GEOG 37000
CLA 25000
CLA 25300
CLA 30300
CLARC 20400
GEOG 38329
MEDPL 39901
ASIAN 33014
Degree Requirements: Pluralism and Diversity
For all students admitted prior to Fall 2024
(Note: Readmitted students must request to graduate under the catalog year in which they originally entered Hunter College in order to fulfill the below Pluralism and Diversity requirements. Students who do not make this request will be required to fulfill the new Pluralism and Diversity requirements above.)
Fulfill ALL of the following requirements:
Earn at least 3 credits from the following:
Pluralism and Diversity Requirement – Group A
A course focusing on scholarship about major practical or theoretical issues (e.g., artistic, economic, geographic, literary, political, scientific or social) that emerge from, are reflected in or are principally derived from the historical conditions, perspectives and/or intellectual traditions of non-European societies, particularly those of Africa, Asia, Latin America or those indigenous to the Americas.
Introduction to Africana Studies
Puerto Rican Folklore
P.R. Nat'l Ident in Lit
African Hist:Origin 1600 Cent
African History 1600 Cen-Pres
African Political & Soc Change
Afro-Caribbean Politics I
Afro-Caribbean Politics 2
Intro:Caribbean History - 1900
Intro:Caribbean Hist:1900-Pres
Digital Sources/Meth:Afr Stud
African Spirituality Diaspora
African Civilization
African Literature
African-Caribbean Literature
Intro Lit African Diaspora
Hist Dominican Republic 1898
Puerto Rican History to 1897
PR History Since 1898
Puerto Rican Culture
Puerto Rican Literature 1
Puerto Rican Literature 2
Topics: Africana & PR Studies
Music of Africa
Dom & Haiti Literature Culture
Contempory African Women Wtrs
African Politics through Film
Afro-Latin Community in NY
Dominican Identity
Black Women Writers
Modern South Africa
Mod African International Rel
Afro-Americans and Africa
Rebel & Revol in Blk Atl World
African-Caribbean Culture
Caribbean Migration & NYC
African World View:Ph Sy Thght
Political Nationalism in PR
Major Puerto Rican Figures
Spanish Antillean Poetry
Folk Religion in Puerto Rico
Black Experience in Literature
Africana & PR Stds
Wrks-Cheik Anta Diop
African Crit Theory
Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Africa: Societies and Cultures
Middle East Societies Cultures
East Asia:Societies & Cultures
Native North Amer:Societ & Cul
Asian-Amer Movement Comm
Folk & Traditional Music
Latin Amer:Societies & Culture
Caribbean:Societies & Cultures
People & Culture: Medit
Carib:Women Work Reproduction
Archaeology of Africa
Archaeology of the Near East
Kinship and Social Organization
Economy and Culture
Psychological Anthropology
Anthropology of Religion
Human Ecology
Cntryside & City: Comp Persp
Politics & Power:Anth Persp
Intro to Modern Arab Cultures
Music of the Middle East
The Arab Novel in Translation
Arab Cinema in Translation
Literature Islamic World
Lit & Culture Muslim Spain
Arabian Night Translation
Modern Palestinian Culture
Modern Arab Theatre
Lang & Cult in Contem N Africa
Arab Women Making Culture
Focused Arabic-Advanced stdnts
Internship in Arab Studies
Internship in Arab Studies
Internship in Arab Studies
Egyptian Art
Islamic Art and Architecture
Art East Asia: Paint & Calligr
Art of Africa and Oceania
Great Buildings of Islam
Islamic Albums
Special Topic Lecture Asia Art
Chinese Calligraphy
Special Topics: Islamic Art
Artist's of Buddhist
Asian Art: Arts of Japan
Indian Art through Epic
Buddhist Art of Asia
Advanced Studies Islamic Art
Islamic City
Pict Orient: Ottoman Art
Advanced Studies Seminar in Asian Art
Hagiography in Buddist Art
Spc Tpcs Contemp Art in China
Himalayan Art: Vsul Lang & Nar
Picturing Buddhist Biographies
Chinese Culture 1
Chinese Culture II
20th-Cent Chinese Literature
Classical Chinese Poetry
Classic Chinese:English Trans
Chinese Poetry English Transl
Archaeology of Egypt
Arch : Mesopotamia and Iran
Archaeology of Anatolia
Archeo Eastern Mediterranean
COMPL 38172
Modern Palestinian Culture
Contemporary Dance Forms
West African Dance 1
Classical Indian Dance I
Afro-Brazilian Dance I
T'Ai Chi I
Capoiera I
Dance 1 - Yoga
Adv Trad Modern Dance Tech
Adv Trad Modern Dance Tech
Sp Tp Modern Partnering
Modern Partnering
Hip Hop Dance 1
Improvisational Practices
Race,Gend &Sexuality:Contp Dan
African-American Social Dance
Chinese Dance Forms
Dance Alignment
Gaga Technique
Special Topics: College Now
Sp Tpcs: Traditional Dance 2
West African Dance 2
Classical Indian Dance 2
Afro-Brazilean Dance 2
T'Ai Chi 2
Capoiera 2
Dance 2 - Yoga
Physical Training
Adv Post Mod Dance Technique
Hip Hop Dance 2
Hip Hop Dance 3
Economic Development
Black Women Writers
Topics in Non-European Literary Traditions (topics will vary)
Cntmp African Women Writers
Intro: Latin Amer Literature
C Asian Literature & Film
Writing from Pt Colony
Asian Diaspora
Adv Tps:Non-Eur Lterary Trad
Eng Lang: South Asian Literat
Black Play: American Space
Black Lit Theory/Criticism
The Asian Diaspora
Black Experience in Literature
Muslim Diasporas
20th & 21st C African Writers
Contemporary African Lit
21st Century African Literatur
Post-Colonial Lit in English
Topics in Caribbean Literature
Revolutionary Thought Fanon
Language Literacy:Africa
Caribbean Writers
19th Century Independant Womn
National Cinema
Israeli Cinema
National Cinema:Asian
Images of Resistance
World Regions Global Context
Region Geo, Carib & Cent Amer
Geography of South America
Geog-Mid East & North African
Geography of Sub-Saharan Afri
Geography of East Asia
Geography of China
Geog: Russia and Central Asia
Geography of Sustainable Devel
Rural Water Supply
Heb&Jud Cul&Tht-Islm
Israeli Cinema
Modern Israeli Culture
Jewsh Texts/Writngs
Intro Talmudic Lit in Translan
Hebrew and Israeli Songs and Poems
Introduction to Old Testament
Old Testament Religion
Anc Nrestrn:Lt&Bible
Ancient Hebraic Folklore
Biblical Archaeology
The Hebrew Prophets
Job,Eccl&Hum Pred
Ancient Hebraic Law
Dead Sea Scrolls ENG
Biblical Literat: Pentateuch
Biblical Lit: Historical Books
Biblical Lit:Prophetic Books
Bib Lit:Hagiographa
Talmudic Literature
World History to 1500
20th Century World History
History of the Jews
Rabbis, Rad & Racketeer:Jew NY
Hist Mod India & South Asia
Mid East to 1800
Mod Mid East 1800-Pres
East Asia to 1600
East Asia, 1600 to the Present
History of Africa-19th Century
Africa - 19th & 20th Centuries
Jewish Hist-Anc Wrld
Md&Erly Md Jew His
Women and Gender in Islam
Hist Ottoman Empire
Japan to 1800
Japan Since 1800
20th-Century India
Gandhi: Power, Protest, and Justice in the 20thc
Japanese Culture Before 1600
Japanese Culture Since 1600
Special Topics in Japanese Culture
Japanese Cinema
Films of Kurosawa
Intro to Chado - Tea Ceremony
Sp Tp Modern Japanese Lit
The World of Manga and Anime
Re Imaging Modern Japan
JPN Myths, Legends & Folklore
Japanese Kimono - Wearable Art
JS 15000
Special Topics in Jewish Studies
JS 21500
Mapping Jewish New York
JS 25000
Spc Tpcs in Jewish Studies
JS 25001
Contemp Jewish Music Disap
JS 25002
Trad & Transf: Russ & East Eur
JS 25003
Jewish Americans on the Screen
JS 25004
Gender in Modern Jewish Hist
JS 35000
Spc Tpcs in Jewish Studies
JS 35001
Sociology of American Jews
JS 35002
Jewish Studies Soc Jew Humor
JS 35005
History of Anti-Semitism
JS 35008
Jewish Novel that Change World
JS 35009
Rabbis, Rad & Rckteer: Jew N.Y
Images of Resistance
Mass Media in Developing Countries
Global Communiciations
The World of Music
Mus:Carib&Latin Am
Music of Asia
Music of the Middle East
Music of Africa
Contemp Jewish Music Disap
African Music
Intro to Ethomus 1
Intro to Ethomus 2
Chinese Philosophy
Indian Philosophy
Comparing Countries
Government and Politics in the Caribbean
Latin Amer Gov't
Japan & Kor Gov't Pol
Government and Politics in Southeast Asia
Govt&Pol:Central America
Middle Easte Gov't
The Politics Southern Africa
Social Movements Latin America
India's Democratic Experiment
Dem & Dev Global World
East Asia in World Politics
REL 25100
Asian Religions
REL 25200
Ancient Near Eastern Religions
REL 25400
Tribal Religions
REL 25500
Religions of Two Gods
REL 32000
REL 32100
REL 32200
REL 32400
Islam and Buddhism
REL 33600
REL 33700
Folklore in Translation
SOC 3251T
Sociology of American Jews
SOC 3251Y
Jew Studies: Soc of Jew Humor
SOC 36100
Development and Globalization
SOC 36200
The Sociology of Islam
SPAN 26900
Sp Am Wm Lt & Cine
THEA 39000
Costume, Fash & Cultural Stud
WGS 20000
Women in Literature
WGS 20050
Dom & Hait Lit & Cult
WGS 20058
Black Women Writers
WGS 20067
Cont Fem Th Mult Cul
WGS 20073
Afr Wmn:Devl & Polts
WGS 30000
Women in Prehist Soc
WGS 3001H
Women and Gender Carib History
WGS 30063
Chng Role Wm Chn&Jpn
WGS 30064
Women in the Middle East
WGS 30069
Decolonizing Desire
WGSA 26900
Sp Am Wm Lt & Cine
Earn at least 3 credits from the following:
Pluralism and Diversity Requirement – Group B
A course focusing on scholarship about major practical or theoretical issues (e.g., artistic, economic, geographic, literary, political, scientific or social) that emerge from, are reflected in or are principally derived from the historical conditions, perspectives, immigrant experiences and/or intellectual traditions of one or more of the following groups in the United States of America: African Americans, Asian Americans, Latino Americans and Native Americans.
Introduction to Black Politics
Intro African Studies
Latino Communities in US
Conquest & Resistance: PR Exp
Intro to PR & Latino Studies
Puerto Rican Folklore
African-American History I
African American History II
African-Amer Pol Soc Change
Digital Sources/Meth:Afr Stud
African Spirituality Diaspora
African-American Literature
African-Caribbean Literature
Intro Lit African Diaspora
Puerto Rican Culture
Puerto Ricans in U.S
PR/Lat Child North Amer School
Latinos and Citizenship
Topics: Africana & PR Studies
History of Jazz
Afro-Latin Community in NY
Black Music in the Americas
Dominican Identity
Black Women Writers
Anthropology of Black America
The Black Family
Leaders & Movements-Black Comm
Afro-Americans and Africa
Rebel & Revol in Blk Atl World
Hist African American Women
Women in Africa
Women in the African Diaspora
African-Caribbean Culture
Caribbean Migration & NYC
Major Puerto Rican Figures
Latino Literature in English
Folk Religion in Puerto Rico
Puerto Rican & Politics in US
Black Aesthetics
Africana & PR Stds
Wrks-Cheik Anta Diop
African Crit Theory
Native North Amer:Societ & Cul
Asian-Amer Movement Comm
Folk & Traditional Music
Anthropology of Black America
Anthro:Civil Rights Movemen US
Archaeology Europe
Problems in Anthropology
Archeology of Mesoamer
Sem:Archeo Field Methods
Archaeology of North America
ASIAN 21000
Asians in the United States
ASIAN 22001
Asian American Women Writers
ASIAN 22004
Arab American Literature
ASIAN 22005
South Asian Women's Literature
ASIAN 22006
Filipino American Literature
ASIAN 22009
Gnd Genre Asia American
ASIAN 22012
Asian American Literature
ASIAN 22500
Asian American Art
ASIAN 23002
Asian Amer Comm & Mntl Hlth
ASIAN 32001
Nation Self and Asian Identity
ASIAN 32005
Asian American Memoir
ASIAN 33001
Chinese in the U.S.
ASIAN 33003
South Asians in the US
ASIAN 33008
Muslim Diasporas
ASIAN 33052
Oral History, Culture Id, Art
ASIAN 34001
Asian Pacific American Media
ASIAN 34003
Western Asian Amer Lit & Film
ASIAN 35000
Topics of Asian American History (topics may vary)
ASIAN 35100
Asian Amer History Labor/Polit
ASIAN 35151
Asian Amer Women Narrative
ASIAN 35152
Asian Amer Literature Culture
ASIAN 39001
International Migration
ASIAN 39002
Asian Amer Civil Rghts & Law
ASIAN 39006
Gender - Asian Amer Lit & Film
ASIAN 39015
Immigration & The Economy
ASIAN 39016
Ethnicity and American English
ASIAN 39018
Asian American Poetics
ASIAN 39019
Asian American Queerness
ASIAN 49000
Immigration Policy
ASIAN 49100
Asian Amer Mvmnt&Commnty Org
EDUC 25000
Intr Urbn Educ Top Issu Div Eq
Black Women Literature Artists
Survey African-Amer Literature
Black Women Writers
Survey Asian American Lit
Filipino American Literature
Arab American Literature
Hrlm Renaiss:Lit
The American Fifties
World:Contempory Black & Latin
Korean American Literature
Perfor&Cncrte Ptry
Asian American Literature
American Ethnic Literature
Latin American Literature
Self in Arican Amer Literature
Gender Generation Asia Amer
Asian Amer Lit & Pop Culture
Asian American Feminism
Black Women Writers
Blk Desirs: Black Fiction
Western Asian Amer Lit & Film
Asian American Memoir
Imagining Asia
Self in African American Lit
Mestizo, Mulatto Literature
Citizenship Latina/o Lit
Asian Amer Literature & Cult
Asian Pacific Amer Media
Slave Narratives
Cont Multicultural Amer Poetry
Black Aesthetics
Multi-Ethnic American Liter
African Amer Narrtvs
From Douglass to Ellison
African Amer Narr 1900-1940
Revisions of Blackness
African American Lit 1865-1914
Revisions of Blackness
African American Drama
Black Speculative Fiction
Comp Stu in Prose Fi
Post Soul
20th & 21st Cen Black Aesthics
Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man
Literature of the African Dias
19th Cen Afr Amer Narrative
Ralph Ellison: Invisible Man
African Amer Voice & Tradition
Voiced Expressions Radiant blk
19th & 20th Cent Afr Amer Nar
Blackness and Inscription
Passing in Afri Amer Fiction
CUNY and Slavery
Nation Self Asian Identity
Asian American Poetics
Asia Amer Literature NY & LA
Asian American Literary Theory
Asian Pacific American Media
Asian American Memoir
Pacific Islander Literature
Asian Amer Literture & Culture
Asian American Feminism
Studies in Native-American Lit
Citizenship Latin Literature
U.S. Latino/a Literature
Latina/o Youth Culture
Language and Ethnicity
Toni Morrison
Honors Seminar
Multicult Perspectives cinema
Blacks & Film 2
Represent of Race in US Media
Population Geography
Migration and Ethnicity
U.S. Latino History
Represent of Race in US Media
History of Jazz
Black Music in the Americas
Sp Tpcs History & Lit Music
Black Music in World Culture
NURS 34600
Changing the Face of Death
NURS 38400
Nursing Culturally Diverse Families
African-American Philosophy
Critical Philosophy of Race
Immigration Policy
Protest Movements Amer Politic
Politics, Identity & Represent
REL 25400
Tribal Religions
REL 25600
Afro-Caribbean Religions
REL 25700
Rel Anc Cen & Sou Amer
SOC 21700
Race and Ethnicity
SOC 21751
Ethic & Race Relations
SOC 30700
THEA 21400
Mltclt Prspec:Thea
THEA 21401
Mult Cul Thea Porf
THEA 21500
Black Theatre
THEA 39000
Costume, Fash & Cultural Stud
WGS 20000
Women in Literature
WGS 20058
Black Women Writers
WGS 20068
Black Women Literature Artist
WGS 20092
Black Children
WGS 31800
Women in Africa
WGSC 32900
Women in the African Diaspora
WGSL 20013
Anthropology of Black America
Earn at least 3 credits from the following:
Pluralism and Diversity Requirement – Group C
A course focusing on scholarship about major practical or theoretical issues (e.g., artistic, economic, geographic, literary, political, scientific or social) that emerge from, are reflected in or are principally derived from the historical conditions, perspectives and/or intellectual traditions of women and/or issues of gender or sexual orientation.
Hist African American Women | |
Women in Africa | |
Women in the African Diaspora | |
Afro-American Women Writers | |
Gender in Anthropologl Persp | |
Anthropological Appr Sexuality | |
Problems in Anthropology | |
Gender and Migration | |
Language, Sex & Gender | |
Fam & Household Anthropology | |
Arab Women Making Culture | |
Principles of Biology 1 | |
Principles of Biology 2 | |
Honors Principles of Biology 2 | |
Women & Slaves:Classil Antqty | |
Women & Men:Labor Market | |
Writings from Detention | |
Holocaust Poetry | |
Heroines | |
Women Centered Literature | |
The Moderns | |
Black Women Literature Artists | |
Cla Txts/Mod Context | |
Black Women Writers | |
Survey Asian American Lit | |
Multicultural Women Writers | |
Contemp African Women Writers | |
South Asian Women Literature | |
Irish Women Writers | |
Literature: Fin-De-Siecle | |
18th Century Women Writers | |
Asian American Women Writers | |
Female Perspective: Literature | |
Caribbean Women Writers | |
Women in Culture | |
Contempory Amer Women Writers | |
Women: Ancient Greece | |
18th Cent Britan Women Writ | |
Workshop in Non-Fiction 1 | |
Excsn:Afican Women Exp Lit | |
Women, Language and Literature | |
Black Women Writers | |
Black Desirs: Black Fiction | |
Asian Amer Feminism | |
Multicultural Women Writing | |
20th Cent Black Women Lit | |
Early Modern English Women | |
Women Writers Short Story | |
19th Cent Amer Women Writers | |
Gender & Per U.S. Cult | |
Renaissance Women Literature | |
Memoirs by Women Writers | |
Irish Women's Poetry | |
18th Cent Women Writers | |
Women Writers & Metro | |
Contempory American Women | |
20th Century Women Writers | |
Women & Writing: Middle Ages | |
18th Cen British Women Writers | |
Feminist Sci-Fi | |
Women Intertext Narrative | |
American Poetry by Women | |
Poetics Women Autobiography | |
Dickenson, Moore, Stein | |
20th Cent Poetry Amer Women | |
Writing for Fallen Woman | |
Women Centered Literature | |
20th Century Women Writers | |
Feminism & Globalization | |
Romantic Women Writers | |
Women Journalists | |
Women Exper Fiction | |
Women in the Avant Garde | |
Gender and Writing | |
Caribbean Women Writers | |
The Female Bildungsroman | |
Adv Tpcs: Women Gndr US Lit | |
Gndr & Politics of Poetic Form | |
Gender Sex & Pol Struggle | |
Queer Voices | |
Sex Gender in the Middle Ages | |
Queer Lit in U.S. after 1945 | |
Masculinity in 20th C Af Am Lt | |
Transgender Literature | |
Turn of Century Sexuality | |
Transgender Poetry | |
Disdnt Desires&Plsre:Bohemn NY | |
Decoloniz Gender: Text & Image | |
Trans and Nonbinary Poetry | |
Heroic Masculinity | |
Lyricism and the Novel | |
Images of Women in Literature | |
Britain American Detect. Fict | |
19th Century Independant Womn | |
Tpcs in Brit & Am Lt | |
Virginia Woolf | |
Jane Austen | |
Toni Morrison | |
Amer Working Class Literature | |
Contemporary Amer Poetry | |
Sellf Study in Amer Literature | |
Honors Seminar | |
Honors Seminar | |
Women and Film | |
LGBT Film & Media | |
FREN 26200 | Persp on Women in French Lit |
Population Geography | |
GERMN 32300 | Women in German Literature |
GERMN 32400 | Post-Fem German Lit & Film |
Stud in Hebrew Lit in Transl | |
Women in Mod Heb Lit | |
Introduction to the Old Test | |
Images of Women in the Old Testament | |
Womn in Bible-Eng | |
Hon Sem: Hebr Novel | |
Seminar: The Woman in Modern Hebrew Literature | |
Gender, Sexuality and History | |
Women in Early European Society | |
ITAL 33700 | Italian Women Writers |
ITAL 33800 | 19&20C Ital Wmn Wrte |
ITAL 33900 | Ital Amer Wmn Wtr & Art |
Women and Media | |
LGBT Film & Media | |
Women and Music | |
Sp Tpcs History & Lit Music | |
Women and Music: World Culture | |
NURS 34000 | Women's Health |
NURS 35100 | Gender, Science Tech |
Feminist Philosophy | |
Femini & Social Epistemologies | |
Abolition of Whiteness | |
Women and Politics | |
Women and the Law | |
Protest Movements Amer Politic | |
Women, War, and Peace | |
Bathroom Politics | |
Feminist Political Theory | |
PSYCH 17000 | Psychology of Human Sexuality |
PSYCH 19000 | Development of Gender Roles |
PSYCH 23500 | The Psychology of Women |
PSYCH 30900 | Behavioral Neuroendocrinology |
REL 31100 | Women and Religion |
REL 31600 | Men and Religion |
REL 34000 | Homosexuality in World Religions |
Culture of Imperial Russia | |
Russ Wmn Wtrs in Eng Translat | |
Polish Cinema | |
Bilingual Writers | |
Mickiewicz Russ & West | |
Russian Women Writers | |
SOC 20100 | Sociology of the Family |
SOC 25700 | Sex and Gender Roles |
SOC 36000 | Feminist Social Theory |
SPAN 26900 | Sp Am Wm Lt & Cine |
THEA 39000 | Costume, Fash & Cultural Stud |
WGS 10000 | Intro Gender/Sex Studies |
WGS 12100 | Public Spkng in Gender Studies |
WGS 20000 | Women in Literature |
WGS 20006 | Women in Ancient Myth |
WGS 20008 | Women and Film |
WGS 20020 | Women in French Lit |
WGS 20058 | Black Women Writers |
WGS 20059 | Womn Stry & Repro Rght |
WGS 20065 | Family & Sex and Violence |
WGS 20067 | Cont Fem Th Mult Cul |
WGS 20068 | Black Women Literature Artist |
WGS 20070 | Prison Human Rights & Gender |
WGS 20072 | Feminism: Philosophical Theory |
WGS 20073 | Afr Wmn:Devl & Polts |
WGS 20074 | Wmn&Marriag:Fmle Plt |
WGS 20077 | The Black Family |
WGS 20081 | Woman for President |
WGS 20082 | Rdng Lit by Women |
WGS 20085 | Wmn & Dom Pub Pol |
WGS 20086 | Asn-Am Women's Writ |
WGS 20089 | Women in Jewish Hist |
WGS 20100 | Cla: Fem Thought |
WGS 21600 | Women Philosophers |
WGS 25800 | Topics:Lit By Wom |
WGS 25850 | Multicult Wmn Wtrs |
WGS 25851 | Cntmp Afr Wmn Wtrs |
WGS 25852 | S. Asian Women Literature |
WGS 25853 | Irish Wmn Writers |
WGS 25854 | Lit: Fin-De-Siecle |
WGS 25855 | 18 C Women Writers |
WGS 25857 | Fem Perspctvs: Lit |
WGS 25858 | Caribbean Wmn Wrtr |
WGS 25859 | Women in Culture |
WGS 25860 | Cont Am Wmn Wrtrs |
WGS 25862 | 18C Brit Wmn Writr |
WGS 30000 | Women in Prehist Soc |
WGS 30003 | Asian American Women |
WGS 30006 | Narrative of Trauma |
WGS 3001B | Fam & Household Anthropology |
WGS 3001H | Women and Gender Carib History |
WGS 30021 | Jane Austen |
WGS 30022 | 19 & 20C Ital Wmn Wrte |
WGS 30033 | Ital Women Writers |
WGS 30050 | Theor & Prac of Dvlpmt |
WGS 30051 | Race,Gender & Amer Pol |
WGS 30053 | Language,Sex & Gender |
WGS 30055 | Sex Race & Gentri NY |
WGS 30063 | Chng Role Wm Chn&Jpn |
WGS 30064 | Women in the Middle East |
WGS 30065 | Writ Womens Biography |
WGS 30069 | Decolonizing Desire |
WGS 30072 | Wmn & Soc-Vict Englnd |
WGS 30076 | Ren Engl Wrt Wom |
WGS 30078 | Women W/Disablties |
WGS 30084 | Asian-Amer Women Nar |
WGS 30085 | Nat Women in Amer Hi |
WGS 30087 | Women and Work |
WGS 30092 | Work and Family |
WGS 30094 | Virginia Woolf |
WGS 30095 | International Women Writers |
WGS 30098 | Hist:Womn in Mod Eur |
WGS 30099 | Political Islam&Womn |
WGS 30500 | Women and Slaves in Classical Antiquity |
WGS 31800 | Women in Africa |
WGS 31900 | Studies in Literature by Women |
WGS 33600 | Afro-Amer Wmn Writ |
WGS 36000 | Feminist Social Theory |
WGS 40000 | Seminar |
WGS 40053 | Body Politcs:Sex & Rep |
WGS 40054 | Honors Seminar |
WGS 40059 | Gender, Nationalism, Decolonization |
WGSA 22252 | Woman's Film: 1940s |
WGSA 25000 | Women and Music |
WGSA 26000 | Russ Wmn Wtr:Engl |
WGSA 26900 | Sp Am Wm Lt & Cine |
WGSA 28400 | Women and Media |
WGSA 29000 | Special Topics in Gender, Literature and the Arts |
WGSA 29001 | Feminist Performance Workshop |
WGSA 29002 | Gender,Violence&Theater Actsm |
WGSA 29003 | Feminist Theater |
WGSA 29004 | Shirtwaist Factory |
WGSA 29005 | Sex & Gender Harlem Renaiss |
WGSA 29006 | Gendering Wikipedia |
WGSA 29007 | Trans and Nonbinary Poetry |
WGSA 29008 | Black Women's Fiction |
WGSA 29009 | Women in Red: Writ for Wikiped |
WGSA 30024 | It Am Wmn Wtr & Art |
WGSA 30050 | Queer Voices |
WGSA 31951 | Women, Language and Literature |
WGSA 31954 | Asian Amer Femnsm |
WGSA 31956 | 20C Black Wmn Lit |
WGSA 31957 | Early Modern English Women |
WGSA 31958 | Women Writers Short Sty |
WGSA 31959 | 19C Amer Wmn Wrtrs |
WGSA 31960 | Gender & Per:US Cult |
WGSA 31961 | Renaissance Women Literature |
WGSA 31962 | Memoirs by Women Writers |
WGSA 31963 | Irish Wmn'S Poetry |
WGSA 31964 | 18th Century Women Writers |
WGSA 31965 | Women Wrters & Metro |
WGSA 31966 | Contemporary American Women |
WGSA 31967 | 20th Century Women Writers |
WGSA 31968 | Women & Writing:Middle Ages |
WGSA 31969 | 18C Brit Wmn Writr |
WGSA 31970 | Feminist Sci-Fi |
WGSA 31971 | Wm Intertext Narr |
WGSA 31972 | American Poetry By Women |
WGSA 31973 | Poetcs Wom Autobio |
WGSA 31974 | Dcknsn,Moore,Stein |
WGSA 31975 | 20C Poetry Amr Wom |
WGSA 31976 | Writg Fallen Woman |
WGSA 31977 | Women Centered Literature |
WGSA 31978 | 20C Women Writers |
WGSA 31979 | Feminism & Globalization |
WGSA 31980 | Romantic Women Writers |
WGSA 31983 | Women in the Avant Garde |
WGSA 31984 | Gender and Writing |
WGSA 31985 | Caribbean Women Writers |
WGSA 31986 | The Female Bildungsroman |
WGSA 31987 | Adv Tpcs: Women Gndr US Lit |
WGSA 31988 | Gndr & Politics of Poetic Form |
WGSA 36100 | Russian Women Writers |
WGSC 15600 | Imperial Russ Cult |
WGSC 29000 | Special Topics in Women and Gender Across Cultures |
WGSC 29001 | War, Drones, & Terror: Fem Ref |
WGSC 29002 | Prison Writing Memoirs |
WGSC 29003 | Writings from Detention |
WGSC 29004 | Women and Revolution |
WGSC 30100 | Gender in Anth Persp |
WGSC 30500 | Wn & Slvs:Cla Antqty |
WGSC 32900 | Women in the African Diaspora |
WGSL 29000 | Special Topics in Labor, Migration, and Globalization |
WGSL 29001 | Bodies, Borders and Burkinis |
WGSL 29002 | Money, Sexuality and Race |
WGSL 29003 | Globalization & Gender |
WGSL 29004 | Sp Tp Internatl Sex Tourism |
WGSL 29006 | Geography & Gender |
WGSL 29007 | #MeToo Movement & Sexual Har |
WGSL 29008 | Gender, Migration and Health |
WGSL 29009 | Family Migration and the Law |
WGSL 29010 | Asylum Law, Gender &Sexuality |
WGSL 29011 | Hist of Hum Aid to sub-Africa |
WGSL 30600 | Gender and Migration |
WGSL 34500 | Women & Men:Labor Market |
WGSP 21900 | Women and the Law |
WGSP 22300 | Sociology of the Family |
WGSP 23500 | The Psychology of Women |
WGSP 25100 | Women and Health |
WGSP 26100 | Women and Politics |
WGSP 26200 | Women,War & Peace |
WGSP 29000 | Special Topics in Gender and Public Policy |
WGSP 29001 | Gender and the Presidency |
WGSP 29002 | Gender and Health Policy |
WGSP 29003 | Sex Education Policy |
WGSP 29004 | Gndr, Sexulity & Indgnous Rgts |
WGSP 29005 | Gender Glob & Politics of Food |
WGSP 29006 | Reproductive Justice |
WGSP 29007 | Prison Human Rights & Gender |
WGSP 29008 | Gender, Race & Public Policy |
WGSP 29009 | Gender, Bodies, Disabil & Pol |
WGSP 29010 | Gender, Race & Election Labor |
WGSP 39800 | Community Leadership Seminar |
WGSS 17000 | Psy of Hum Sexuality |
WGSS 19000 | Dev of Gender Roles |
WGSS 25700 | Sex and Gender Roles |
WGSS 26600 | Our Bodies, Our Politics |
WGSS 29000 | Special Topics in Sexualities |
WGSS 29001 | Spc Tpcs: Growing Up Girl |
WGSS 29002 | Gender, Sexuality and Religion |
WGSS 29003 | Lesbian,Gay,Bi-Sexl&Transgn H |
WGSS 29004 | Gender, Sexuality and History |
WGSS 29005 | Sex Wars:Porn |
WGSS 29006 | Race, Sex and Science |
WGSS 29007 | Global LGBT History |
WGSS 29008 | BioPol: Politics Life & Body |
WGSS 29009 | Global Histories of Sex |
WGSS 29010 | Men, Wmn & Sex XX Cent U.S. |
WGSS 29011 | Race, Gndr & Cult Latinx Comm |
WGSS 29012 | Gender in Modern Jewish Hist |
WGSS 29013 | Comparative LGBT Politics |
WGSS 29086 | Women Latino/X Communities |
WGSS 29300 | Bathroom Politics |
WGSS 35100 | Gender,Scienc,Tech |
WGST 20900 | Wmn&Gnd:Wpol Thought |
WGST 23000 | Feminist Philosophy |
WGST 29000 | Spc Tpcs Feminist Thght &Thry |
WGST 29001 | Abolition of Whiteness |
WGST 29002 | Hip Hop Feminisms |
WGST 29003 | Post Colonial Feminist Thought |
WGST 29004 | White Supremacy |
WGST 29005 | Intersec Black Protest Mvmnts |
WGST 30900 | Femnist Pol Thery |
Earn at least 3 credits from the following:
Pluralism and Diversity Requirement – Group D
A course focusing on scholarship about major practical or theoretical issues (e.g., artistic, economic, geographic, literary, political, scientific or social) that emerge from, are reflected in or are principally derived from the historical conditions, perspectives and/or intellectual traditions of Europe, including the ways in which pluralism and diversity have been addressed.
Archaeology: Europe | |
Archaeology: East Cen Euope | |
History:Anthropological Theory | |
Anthropology and History | |
Western Europe Soc & Culture | |
Anthropology & Literature | |
Sem:Archeo Field Methods | |
Archaeology of Colonialism | |
Introduction to History of Art | |
Greek Art | |
Roman Art | |
Later Medieval Art | |
Art of Early Renaissance | |
Northern Renaissance Art | |
High Renais & Lat 16Cent Italy | |
Southern Baroque | |
Baroque Art of Northern Europe | |
Eighteenth-Century Art | |
Neo-Classicism & Rom-A Revel | |
Realism Impress & Post Impress | |
American Art 1760 - 1900 | |
Twentieth-Century Art I | |
Twentieth-Century Art 2 | |
Medieval Architecture | |
Arch:Renaissance Neo-Classical | |
20th Century Architecture | |
Ancient Art-Pre Columbian | |
Spc Tspc in Anct Art:Byzantine | |
Seven Wonders Ancient World | |
Special Tps: Lect Medieval Art | |
Renaissance Art Titian | |
El Greco | |
Rembrandt’s Etchings | |
Art & Architect: Baroque Room | |
Vermeer and his Contemporaries | |
Rococo | |
El Greco: A Moden Old Master | |
Sp Tp 17th-Ctry French Art | |
Seminar: Roman Architecture | |
Byzantium & Medieval Medtrn | |
Saints, Relics, Reliquaries | |
Illumin Manuscript:Cultrl Cntx | |
The Medieval Body | |
Gndr, Mannerism & Visu Cult | |
Mannerism & Gender | |
Principles of Biology 1 | |
Principles of Biology 2 | |
Honors Principles of Biology 2 | |
Classical Mythology | |
Greek Civilization | |
Hellenistic Civilization | |
Roman Civilization | |
Greek Archaeology | |
Greek and Roman Tragedy | |
Ancient Comedy Translation | |
Homer and Virgil | |
Ancient Novel in Translation | |
Comp Back Classical Mythology | |
Pagans and Christians | |
Women & Slaves:Classil Antqty | |
Spec Studies Ancient Rom Cult | |
Ostia | |
Arts & Letters 4th Century | |
Writing Ancient Past | |
Latin Literature Augustan Age | |
Banquets and Blood | |
Ancient Technology | |
Ancient Rome | |
Roman Satire | |
Roman History | |
Ancient Sports and Spectacles | |
Aegean Archaeology | |
Greek Archaeology | |
Roman Archaeology I | |
COMPL 32049 | Narrat Adultery XIX Cent Lit |
COMPL 32060 | Translating Cult: Theo & Pract |
COMPL 33064 | Roman Satire |
COMPL 38094 | German Thought and Culture |
Global Dance History | |
Comparative Economic Systems | |
Translating Cult: Theo & Pract | |
19th Cent British Literature | |
Literature on Banned Books | |
Tragic Vision | |
Holocaust Poetry | |
Heroines | |
Poetic Techniques | |
Race & Class:20th Cent Fiction | |
Survey of British Lit. II | |
West Litry Bkg Brit & Amer Lit | |
Chaucer | |
Surv Brit Lt2:18C-Pr | |
Age of Elizabeth I | |
Comp Stu in Litt Mov | |
Shakespeare Survey | |
Shakespeare I | |
Shakespeare 2 | |
The 17th Century | |
Milton | |
Restoration & 18th Cen Drama | |
The Age of Satire | |
The Later 18th Century | |
The 18th-Century English Novel | |
The 19th-Century English Novel | |
Romantic Poetry | |
Victorian Literature | |
20th/21st Cen Brit/Iris Poetry | |
20th/21st Cen Brit/Iris Fict | |
The Lit of War 1914-2019 | |
20th/21st Cen Brit/Iris Drama | |
Irish Literary Renaissance | |
Topic in Comp Literature | |
Narrat Adultery XIX Cent Lit | |
Psychoanaly Persp Lt | |
Images of Women in Literature | |
Britain American Detect. Fict | |
Topics Brit & Amer Literature | |
19th Cent British Lit and Art | |
Virginia Woolf | |
Jane Austen | |
Thomas Hardy | |
Keats | |
Lawrence | |
James Joyce | |
William Blake | |
Theatre of the Absurd | |
Honors Seminar | |
Introduction to Cinema | |
Film History I: 1895-1945 | |
Film History 2: Since 1945 | |
National Cinema Italy | |
National Cinema:French New | |
Experimental Film and Video | |
Contemporary Film Theory | |
FREN 24100 | Early Fren Civ: Gothic to Rev |
FREN 24200 | Modern French Civilization |
FREN 25100 | French Literature and the Arts |
FREN 25300 | Modern French Theatre |
FREN 25400 | Film and the French Novel |
FREN 25900 | French Theatre in Translation |
FREN 26000 | French Novel in Translation |
FREN 26100 | French Novel Transl 1990-Pres |
FREN 26200 | Persp on Women in French Lit |
FREN 27500 | Sel Masterpieces of French Lit |
FREN 33500 | French Culture I |
FREN 33600 | French Culture 2 |
FREN 34100 | Survey French Literature 1 |
FREN 34200 | Survey of French Literature 2 |
FREN 34300 | Med/Reinaaiss French Literat |
FREN 34400 | 17th-Century French Literature |
FREN 34600 | 18th-Century French Literature |
FREN 34800 | 19th Cen French Lit 1800-1850 |
FREN 34900 | 19th Cen French Lit 1800-1850 |
FREN 35000 | 20th Cen French Lit 1900-1950 |
FREN 35100 | Contempory French Lit 1950-Pr |
FREN 36001 | Imaginary Libraries |
FREN 36002 | Epistolary Novel |
FREN 36003 | French Moralists-Class Period |
FREN 36007 | Tales & Shortstories |
FREN 36008 | Fr Lit:Fr Wr Per Amr |
FREN 36009 | Women Autobiogph Voice |
FREN 36010 | Exile, Nomadism & Immigration |
FREN 36011 | Genre Studies I: French Poetry |
FREN 36012 | Question De Culture |
FREN 36022 | Savoir et anx la Renaiss |
FREN 36023 | French Cross Current Lit |
FREN 36100 | Mid Ages & the Rensnc: Sp Tp |
FREN 36130 | Medieval French Literature |
FREN 36151 | Rabelais-Montaigne |
FREN 36200 | The 17th Century |
FREN 36253 | Theatre of Moliere |
FREN 36255 | French Tragedy of 17th Century |
FREN 36300 | 18th Century: Special Topics |
FREN 36320 | Diderot |
FREN 36322 | Voltaire and Rousseau |
FREN 36400 | 19th Century: Special Topics |
FREN 36401 | Balzac and Stendhal |
FREN 37500 | Seminar in French Literary His |
FREN 49100 | Honors Course in French |
World Regions Global Context | |
Geog: Russia and Central Asia | |
GERMN 24000 | German Thought and Culture |
GERMN 24100 | German Fairy Tales |
GERMN 32000 | Std-Germn Lit & Lang |
GERMN 32029 | Contemp Minority Voices Germn |
GERMN 32051 | Std-Germn Lit & Lang |
GERMN 32052 | Tvdrama:Germn In'90s |
GERMN 32053 | Horspiel-Gn Radio Pl |
GERMN 32054 | Horspiel |
GERMN 32055 | Jugendliteratur |
GERMN 32056 | German Crime Fiction |
GERMN 32057 | Erich Kaestner |
GERMN 32058 | Grmn Comcs &Grph Literature |
GERMN 32059 | Gm-Jew Liebesgechichten:Lt&Flm |
GERMN 32100 | Indv & Soc Mod Grmn Lit |
GERMN 32200 | German Civilization |
GERMN 32700 | Modern Swiss Literature |
GERMN 32800 | Germ Child & Adolesc Literat |
GERMN 33400 | The German Short Story & Novel |
GERMN 33500 | Horspiel:Radio Plays |
GERMN 33600 | German Lyric Poetry |
GERMN 33900 | Ger Drama Nat to Pre |
GERMN 34100 | Germn Dr Goethe-Nat |
GERMN 34200 | The German Novel |
GERMN 34300 | Germ Lit-Orig-Goethe |
GERMN 34400 | Rdngs Class Grmn Lit |
GERMN 34450 | Literature of Weimar Republic |
GERMN 34451 | Adv German Grammar |
GERMN 34500 | Literature of Weimar Republic |
GERMN 34600 | Germ Lit:1930s-1940s |
GERMN 34800 | East German Lit (1945-1990) |
GERMN 35000 | Austr Lit Viena 1900 |
GERMN 35300 | Goethe's Faust |
GERMN 37200 | Germany in the Twenties |
GERMN 37400 | Mstpc Ger Lit-Tran |
Mstpc Medv Hbr Lit | |
Mast of Yiddish Lit in Transl | |
Modern Hebrew Literature I | |
Medieval Literature | |
Poetry Mod Heb Rnsns | |
The Modern Hebrew Essay | |
Hon Sem: Hebr Novel | |
Ear Md Eur 1500-1815 | |
19th and 20th Century Europe | |
Medieval Civilization | |
The Holocaust: An Introduction | |
Greek History | |
Roman History | |
The Age of the Crusades | |
Med&Ear Mod Jew Hist | |
Eur in Early Mid Age | |
Ancient & Mediev Christianity | |
History of the American City | |
Hist Am Work Class | |
Jewish His-Mod Wld | |
Eur:Age Ren&Reform | |
History of European Diplomacy | |
Soc & Eco Hist of Mod Europe | |
Hist of 20C Germany | |
History of Italy | |
Britain Since 1689 | |
American Jewish History | |
20th-Century United States | |
Immigr & Ethncty in US | |
America & World-20C | |
American Cultural History | |
Amer Constit Hist 1783-1900 | |
Role of Women in Amer History | |
Civil War and Reconstruction | |
Russia to the 20th Century | |
Late Imper Russ&USSR | |
HONS 20154 | Nationalism |
HONS 30167 | South Africa and Southern Africa After Apartheid |
HONS 20177 | Decadence |
HONS 20181 | Bio & Concepts of Human Nature |
HONS 30179 | Sources 20C Thought |
HONS 30184 | Maps:Hist,Art & Lit |
HONS 30185 | Art/Pol 19C France |
HONS 20139 | Representations of the New Woman in the U.S. (retroactive to Fall 2004 and Spring 2007) |
HR 20000 | Introduction to Human Rights |
ITAL 26000 | Modern Italian Short Story |
ITAL 27600 | Dante Divin Comedy |
ITAL 28000 | Italian Renaiss |
ITAL 33400 | Italian Baroque in Engl |
ITAL 334HE | Italian Baroque in Engl |
ITAL 34200 | Ital Lt 16C-Presnt |
ITAL 34300 | Dante's Vita Nuova and Inferno |
ITAL 34400 | Dntes Prgtio&Int Par |
ITAL 34500 | Dante's Paradiso & Major Prose |
ITAL 34600 | Ptrarch,Bocca&Lit Hm |
ITAL 34700 | Ariosto |
ITAL 34800 | Gerusalemme Liberata |
ITAL 34900 | The Modern Italian Lyric |
ITAL 35000 | The Modern Italian Novel |
Mass Media Dev Contr | |
A Thousand Years of Listening | |
Music History I | |
Music History 2 | |
Music for the Piano | |
Masterpieces of Opera | |
Music History III | |
Music History 4 | |
Philosophy, Politics & Society | |
Knowledge and Reality | |
Class Greek Philosophy | |
Medieval Philosophy | |
Foundtns:Modern Philosophy | |
American Philosophy | |
Existentialism | |
Knowledge and Reality | |
Revol in Mod Philo | |
Marxist and Critical Theory | |
POL 25000 | Topics in Polish Literature |
POL 25010 | Oral Interpretation |
POL 25012 | Poles in America |
POL 25033 | Tpcs: Min East Euro |
POL 25050 | Sienkewicz Quo Vadis |
POL 25051 | Sp Tp: Adv Pol Convs |
POL 25052 | Topics: Polish Culture |
POL 25053 | Pol Lit: 1890-Present |
POL 25054 | Film in Poland and Russia |
POL 25055 | Folklore of Slavs |
POL 25056 | Polish Cinema |
POL 25057 | Pan Tadeusz English |
POL 25058 | Native Americans Polish Lit |
POL 25059 | Russian Eastern Europe Thar |
POL 25060 | Polish Literature Post Slidrty |
POL 25070 | Pol-Church/State Rel |
POL 25071 | Modern Polish Prose |
POL 25072 | Solidarity & Beyond |
POL 25073 | Polish Romanticism |
POL 25074 | Sienkiewicz Trilogy |
POL 25075 | Sienkiewicz's American |
POL 25077 | Russian Cinema and Society |
POL 25080 | Polish Film Post 1945 |
POL 25090 | Mickiewicz Russ & West |
POL 25097 | East European Cinema |
Anc to Early Political Thought | |
West Europe Gov't | |
Soc & Eco Pol Wstrn Europ & US | |
Rus Nat Inte:Past and Present | |
European Security | |
REL 20400 | Religious Experience |
REL 20500 | Faith and Disbelief |
REL 20600 | Ideas of God |
REL 20700 | Religious Sources for Morality |
REL 20800 | Religion and Social Justice |
REL 25300 | Abrahamic Religions |
REL 25800 | Rel:Ancient Europe |
REL 27000 | Religion and Psychology |
REL 30700 | Religio Ideas: Lit |
REL 30800 | Religion and the Arts |
REL 30850 | Theatre and Religion |
REL 30852 | Bible in Art |
REL 30853 | Rel Ideas West Music |
REL 30854 | Religious Ideas in Modern Art |
REL 30855 | Rel Ideas Anc Lit |
REL 30856 | Rel & The Arts |
REL 30900 | Meaning:Love & Sex |
REL 31000 | The Religious Meaning of Death |
REL 31200 | Religion and Politics |
REL 31300 | Ecospirituality: Relig & Natu |
REL 31500 | The Problem of Evil |
REL 31600 | Men and Religion |
REL 32300 | Christianity |
REL 33000 | New Testament Religion |
REL 33300 | Christian Theolgy |
REL 33400 | Mysticism |
REL 33500 | Myth and Ritual |
REL 39000 | Modern Theories in Religion |
The Culture of old Russia | |
The Age of the Great Masters | |
Translating Cult: Theo & Pract | |
19C Russ Lit:Trans | |
Soclst Int'l Syst | |
Capitlism-Eaeurope | |
Tolstoy & Dostoevsky | |
Mod Russ Lit:Trans | |
Russ Thea: Eng Tran | |
Russ Lit:1880-1920 | |
Trans:Rus Folklore | |
Sp Tpc Slav Lit& Cul | |
Trad & Transf: Russ & East Eur | |
Marx Cult Theory | |
Jewish Qstn Russ Lit | |
Women in Rus Culture | |
Shostkovich His World | |
Modern Lit in Exile | |
Russian Avant Garde Art | |
Love & Death in Lit & Film | |
Russ & Euro Immigrant NY | |
Humor & Satire to Russ Lit | |
RUSS 25619 | Russian Literature in Exile |
RUSS 25620 | Illness & Death in Russ Lit |
RUSS 25633 | Tpcs:Min. East Euro. |
RUSS 25634 | Russian Short Story in English |
RUSS 25650 | Mod Soviet Sht Story |
RUSS 25651 | World's Fairy Tales |
RUSS 25652 | Film in Polnd & Russia |
RUSS 25653 | Lit & Revolutn Engl |
RUSS 25655 | Urb Flklr Russ Ngbhd |
RUSS 25656 | Russ Science Fiction |
RUSS 25657 | The Picaresque Novel |
RUSS 25658 | Religion in Russian People |
RUSS 25659 | Russ Experim Stage |
RUSS 25660 | Russian Thought |
RUSS 25661 | Russ East Europ Thar |
RUSS 25662 | Urban Russian Novel |
RUSS 25663 | Present Day Russian Literature |
RUSS 25664 | Cinema Poland Russia |
RUSS 25665 | Memory of Communism |
RUSS 25666 | Russ Sf in Film & Lit |
RUSS 25668 | Narrat Adultery XIX Cent Lit |
RUSS 25669 | Transgresn:Narr,Adltry20C&Bynd |
RUSS 25670 | The Polish Cinema |
RUSS 25671 | New Russ Cult-Film |
RUSS 25673 | Mickiewicz in Russia |
RUSS 25674 | The Baltic Transit (English) |
RUSS 25679 | Sub Ideals: Russ Lit Utopias |
RUSS 25680 | Pol Film Post 1945 |
RUSS 25690 | Chekhov: Plays & Stries |
RUSS 25691 | Writ Behnd Bars Gulag Cult Leg |
RUSS 25698 | Nabokov:Two Cultures |
RUSS 25699 | Existentialist Novel |
RUSS 27100 | East European Cinema |
RUSS 29400 | Folklore and Literature |
RUSS 32100 | Russian Short Story |
RUSS 32200 | Classical Russian Poetry |
RUSS 32300 | Modern Russian Poetry |
RUSS 34100 | Tolstoy and Dostoevsky |
RUSS 34200 | Modern Russian Literature |
RUSS 34300 | Russian Theater |
RUSS 34400 | Silver Age of Russian Literat |
SOC 22100 | Classical Sociological Theory |
SPAN 24100 | Civilization of Spain |
SPAN 26400 | Contemp Sp Lit in Tr |
SPAN 26500 | Don Quixote |
SPAN 27500 | Readings in Modern Span Lit |
SPAN 33500 | Spanish Civilization |
SPAN 34100 | Intro:Hispanic Lit 1 |
SPAN 34200 | Intro:Hispan Lit 2 |
SPAN 34300 | Span Lit Middle Ages |
SPAN 34500 | Spanish Drama of Golden Age |
SPAN 34600 | Cervantes |
SPAN 34900 | Spa Prose Golden Age |
SPAN 35000 | Spanish Poetry the Golden Age |
SPAN 35300 | Span Neoclsscm Romnc |
SPAN 35500 | Span Lit, Realsm - WW1 |
SPAN 35700 | Early 20 Cent Sp Literature |
SPAN 35800 | Pst Civil War Sp Literature |
SPAN 37020 | Mjr Wrks:Spn Baroque |
SPAN 37021 | Con Time Span Poet |
SPAN 37022 | Canary Islands:Americas |
SPAN 37023 | Golden Age Prose |
SPAN 37024 | Contemporary Spanish Poetry |
SPAN 37026 | The Contemporary Spanish Novel |
SPAN 37030 | Hist Evol & Cur Trends in Ling |
SPAN 37036 | Spanish Poetry - Middle Ages |
SPAN 37040 | Celestinas and Don Juanes |
SPAN 37041 | Mujeres en la Lit Oro |
SPAN 37042 | Span Anar & Fem Women Writer |
SPAN 37056 | Peninsular Teatro |
SPAN 37500 | Sem:Spanish Lit Hist |
SPAN 49501 | Independent Study |
SPAN 49502 | Independent Study |
SPAN 49503 | Independent Study |
THEA 21100 | World Theatre 1 |
THEA 21200 | World Theatre II |
THEA 21300 | World Theatre 3 |
THEA 32100 | Play Analysis |
THEA 32200 | Theatre Theory and Criticism |
THEA 33100 | Avant-Garde:20C |
THEA 33200 | Thea Realism & Naturalism |
THEA 33300 | Alternative Performance |
THEA 36200 | Acting: Period Drama |
URBS 40383 | 20th Century Architecture |
WGSC 30500 | Wn & Slvs:Cla Antqty |
WGST 20900 | Wmn&Gnd:Wpol Thought |
Additional Comments:
Students must complete four courses designated for the Pluralism and Diversity Requirement, one from each of four categories. The four categories of Pluralism and Diversity focus on major practical or theoretical issues that emerge from, are reflected in, or are principally derived from the historical conditions, perspectives, and/or intellectual traditions of the following:
A. Non-European societies, particularly those of Africa, Asia, Latin America, or those indigenous to the Americas;
B. One or more of the following groups in the US: African Americans, Asian Americans, Latino Americans, and Native Americans;
C. Women and/or issues of gender or sexual orientation;
D. Europe, including ways in which pluralism and diversity have been addressed.
Any one course with a Pluralism and Diversity designation can satisfy only one Pluralism and Diversity category but may also fulfill any other requirement.
Transfer Students
Transfer students must take at least two courses designated for different categories of the Pluralism and Diversity requirement. The number of courses required in Pluralism and Diversity is determined by the number of credits transferred.
Fewer than 31 | 4 |
31 or more | 2 |
Any one course with a Pluralism and Diversity designation can only satisfy one Pluralism and Diversity category but may also fulfill any other requirement.
2nd Degree Students
Students who have earned a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution are exempt from the General Education requirements