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School of Education General Information and Accreditation

Undergraduate Teacher Education Pathways (UTEP)

School of Education UTEP programs at Hunter College prepare prospective teachers to serve as highly effective educators, and provide opportunities to work with children of diverse backgrounds, abilities, and interests within an array of educational settings in New York State.  

A student who completes an undergraduate School of Education program fulfills the academic requirements for New York State Initial Certification. All students in an education major at Hunter must also fulfill both the Hunter core requirement and the requirements for a liberal arts or sciences major.

The School of Education is committed to the development of teacher candidates that will be both educators and lifelong students. Teacher preparation that focuses on the unique challenges of working in NYC public school classrooms is at the core of Hunter College’s educational mission, and the School of Education is a place for aspiring teachers to learn their craft and contribute to the future through the classroom.   

School of Education students are held to the highest professional and academic standards, and will be expected to:

  • Learn deep and broad content knowledge across academic disciplines.

  • Develop professional knowledge and academic skills.

  • Learn the theory and practice of effective pedagogy.

  • Understand the history, philosophy, psychology, and sociology of education that will inform their teaching.

The School of Education also believes in preparing teacher candidates to work with a diverse student population in the modern classroom, and recognizes that learning takes place inside social and community networks that support student learning.  Thus, our programs also provide teacher candidates with knowledge on how to:

  • Manage their educational setting to provide effective instruction for all students.

  • Design lessons and units of work for students and to adapt their instruction to students’ prior knowledge and level of skill.

  • Use research-based theories and methods of teaching students with special needs, including special education students and English language learners.

  • Learn to create humane and ethical learning communities in which all students receive the support they need to achieve academically.

  • Learn to communicate effectively with parents, families, community members, and other members of the school faculty and staff in order to provide this support.

  • Master the use of technology as a tool for teaching.

Finally, becoming a Hunter College teacher candidate requires dedication to the continuous improvement of one’s professional abilities. Our programs, therefore, ensure teacher candidates know how to:

  • Reflect on teaching practice in order to strengthen work with students and grow as professionals.

  • Gain expertise in analyzing and using assessments of student achievement to guide and inform instruction.

School of Education Administration


  • Dean, Michael J. Middleton

  • Acting Senior Associate Dean, Sherryl Brown-Graves

  • Associate Dean, Matthew Caballero

  • Manager, Office of Admissions and Recruitment, Vanessa Arriola

  • Director, Office of Academic and Student Affairs, Melissa M. Boronkas

  • Manager, NYC Men Teach, Jonathan Gaines

  • Director, Office of Clinical Experience, Ileana Infante

  • Director, Office of Partnership Programs, Erin Shay

  • Director, Institutional Research, Assessment, and Accreditation, Christopher Scott

  • Director, Career, Professional, and Partnership Development, Kenney Robinson

  • Manager, Frankfort Center for Learning and Scholarly Technologies, Kenny Hirschmann

Department Chairs

  • Curriculum and Teaching, Terrie Epstein

  • Educational Foundations and Counseling Programs, Elizabeth Cardoso

  • Special Education,  Bonnie Keilty

School of Education Faculty

Department of Curriculum and Teaching Faculty

Department of Educational Foundations and Counseling Faculty

Department of Special Education Faculty

School of Education website:

School of Education Accreditation

Accreditation is the recognition that an institution maintains standards requisite for its graduates to gain admission to other reputable institutions of higher learning or to achieve credentials for professional practice. The goal of accreditation is to ensure that education provided by institutions of higher education meets acceptable levels of quality.

The Hunter College School of Education is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and each teacher preparation program is nationally recognized by its respective Specialized Professional Association (SPA).