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Special Honors (Thomas Hunter Honors Program)


The interdisciplinary Thomas Hunter Honors Program provides some outstanding undergraduate students with a course of study suited to their individual needs and interests. Students selected for the Thomas Hunter Honors Program must show evidence of high academic potential, interdisciplinary interests and intellectual curiosity, as well as the willingness to explore unfamiliar fields and to accept challenges.

Students may apply for admission to the program on their own or they may be invited to participate in recognition of their outstanding academic records. Many graduates of the Thomas Hunter Honors Program go on to PhD programs in the various arts and sciences, or to law, medical and other professional schools. Others choose careers in a wide variety of professional, artistic and business fields.

College Requirements

The Thomas Hunter Honors Program requires that students maintain breadth in their programs, create a significant pattern of courses in at least two academic areas of investigation (Humanities and Arts, Social Sciences, Sciences and Mathematics), including at least one laboratory science course. All programs must be approved every semester by a Council adviser.

Students entering Hunter in fall 2013 or later, are required to complete the College’s Common Core requirements.  Note that all colloquia in the 200 or 300 series are “W” courses.

Administration and Faculty

Program Coordinator:

Sarah R. Jeninsky
(212) 772-4127

Program Office:

1421 West
(212) 772-4127
Web site:


Thomas Hunter Honors Program Faculty