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Official Name of Program


Plan Code


Department(s) Sponsoring Program



Degree Designation

BA - Bachelor of Arts



NYSED Program Code

33652 - HIST-BA

CIP Code


The study of the human past expands our understanding of what it is to be human.  History courses may offer overviews that sweep across centuries and continents, or focus on the history of a nation, a demographic group, a social, environmental, political, economic or cultural topic, or even the life and times of a single individual, but all are united in seeking to inculcate an evidence-based critically-informed understanding of our past.  Historical knowledge is key to understanding continuity and change in societies, in systems of knowledge and belief, in technologies, and in cultures. History students learn to find and interpret primary sources, and to rigorously analyze the historical writings of others.  Working with department faculty students learn to plan, research and write historical papers of their own, to craft convincing arguments and to convey them in effective and compelling language.  This knowledge and these skills are valued within and without the field of academic history, and history graduates have gone on to successful careers in business, government, public interest fields, journalism, and other professions, or have continued their studies in graduate or law schools.

P/NC Policy: Only a letter grade (A, B, C, D, including + or -) will be accepted by the department in the required courses for the major. Students cannot receive a grade of P/NC in any course used for the major.
