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Environmental Studies
Official Name of Program
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Department(s) Sponsoring Program
Degree Designation
NYSED Program Code
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The major offers two concentrations which are organized to promote an intensive understanding of contemporary physical science, specifically earth system science as it relates to environmental issues, and an intensive understanding of a system-based approach to the dynamic nature of human-environmental interactions particularly as manifest in contemporary politics and economics. The concentrations are Earth System Science Track and Human Dimensions of Earth Systems Track. It is suggested that students select a concentration (also referred to as a “subplan” in this catalog) as they enter the major with the understanding that the choice is not final at this stage and students can switch concentrations as they advance in the program. To aid in this process, the curriculum offers a common core of required courses, as well as sufficient overlap within the required elective courses. It is strongly recommended that students considering this major meet with the departmental adviser to discuss their interests and program of study since courses may be added or deleted as the college’s and department’s offerings change. One or more courses not listed below may be included in a student’s concentration with the advice and consent of the adviser. See departmental website for additional information about this program.